Adult Faith Formation
This committee considers needs of Blessed Trinity and St. Patrick Parishes and provides Roman Catholic adult learning and spiritual growth opportunities. These opportunities may not be offered on a regular basis. If you would like to join one of the programs offered, please contact the CENTRAL OFFICE and let them know of your enthusiasm for a program.
Please see the bulletin archive to see examples of Adult Faith Formation (AFF section) offerings.
Special Presentations
(2014-03-25) Lenten Retreat
Lenten Retreat with Bishop Emeritus Matthew Clark!! Bishop Emeritus Matthew Clark has agreed to present a Lenten Mission here at Blessed Trinity/St. Patrick this year on March 23, 24, and 25.
(all the time) Books on Faith
Our January issue, available at your local parish worship site, is titled: FIVE WAYS TO SHARE YOUR FAITH, written by John Roberto, a respected consultant,
teacher and author in the field of faith formation. He explores 4 building blocks that can help our faith flourish: parents, family faith practices, intergenerational relationships, parishes, and online connections. Becoming an evangelizing disciple is the commission of all the baptized. Pick up a copy today and start building.
St. Bernard’s educational opportunities
Classes can be taken virtually at a church site.
U.S. Catholic Catechism Adult Study
(2013 Fall) Christian Morality & the Ten Commandments
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Chapters 22 – 34
(2014 Spring) Prayer
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Chapters 35 – 36
Also take time to experience several different forms of prayer: the Rosary, Liturgy of Hours, Stations of the Cross, praying with Scripture including Lectio Divina, etc.
Women’s Day of Retreat:
(2014-09-17) Women’s Bus Retreat @ Sky Lake Retreat Center
The retreat leader, Sr. Jean Marie, is the director of St. Cyril’s Spiritual Center in Danville, PA. Sr. Jean Marie, an experienced spiritual director and retreat leader, will be
presenting a retreat called “Mary, the Compassion of God, and First Disciple.”
Bible Study Groups:
Would you like to explore the meaning that the Bible holds for you today? Would you like to become more comfortable discussing Scripture with other Christians? You are not alone! Catholics are encouraged to read the Bible daily as a way of drawing closer to God through His Word. As our Catholic Catechism teaches, “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” – St. Jerome. A great way to study the Bible is to join a Bible study group that provides a regular reading schedule, reflection questions and group discussion to aid in understanding. Bible study group members encounter God both in Scripture and through supportive Christian fellowship. The parish offers several Bible study group opportunities throughout the year at different sites which are open to all in the parish.
For more information on study groups and contacts, check out these Bible study groups:
Little Rock Bible Study Group:
Little Rock Bible Study groups provide a focused study on a particular Bible book for a program period lasting between 8 to 12 weeks. Members read from scripture about 20 minutes per day and meet weekly to share insights and view a video lecture. For the fall 2015 study, over 50 parishioners formed groups in Apalachin and Owego to study the Book of Exodus. The next study will begin the first week of February 2016 and will cover the Gospel according to Luke. Meeting times will be set based on parishioner registration in January.
Valley Bible Study Group:
The Valley Bible Study Group meets every Monday evening from 7 to 8 pm in Waverly. We are currently reading the Book of Genesis. All are invited to join us. Do not ignore Christ; He gave His life to save ours. “But the deepest truth about Scripture is this –it is a privileged place where we encounter God and where He speaks a living, personal, life-changing word to us.” Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio.
Journey Bible Study Group:
Journey Bible Study provides an overview of the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. This 32-week study allows you to see the many connections between the Old and New Testaments, and to experience how the Word of God speaks to you today. The program is offered every other year in Apalachin or Owego. The next group is planned for September 2016 through May 2017. No prior study experience is necessary.