Christmas Outreach

Outreach to area families in need at Christmastime, proving them with food and gifts.

Altar Servers for weekend Masses and for funeral Masses

Assists the Priest to lead God’s people at Mass; 4th grader or older

Buildings and Grounds Committee

This committee is responsible for the maintenance and improvement of Parish facilities (e.g., worship space, social hall, grounds). These tasks include building repairs and maintenance, and landscaping.

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Assists in distributing Holy Communion during Mass

Music Ministry — Children’s Choir and Contemporary Group

Leads and encourages participation in liturgical music (organists, folk groups, choirs, cantors, instrumentalists)

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Shares the Liturgy of the Word with the children during the Mass

Church Decorators

Decorates the church for the liturgical seasons

Welcome and Hospitality

The goal of this committee is to ensure that every person (new members, current attendees, and visitors) feels welcome in our church community. Special emphasis is placed on reaching out to the newly registered to aid in their orientation and integration into our church family. The committee maintains a list of all current ministries and their contact information.

Children’s Faith Formation, grades Pre-K – 8

The goal of faith formation for these grades is to help our Youth Church know God as creator, comforter and friend. Catechists challenge our youth in many ways to encounter God through scripture, sacraments, the discernment of gifts, by serving others and in the Eucharist.

For more information, please visit the Children’s Faith Formation, grades Pre-K – 8 page.

Junior and Senior High Youth Ministry, grades 9-12

Youth ministry for junior and senior high youth is intended to foster the spiritual growth of our young people, to empower them to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in the world today and to draw them to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the Catholic faith community. A comprehensive program that involves catechesis, prayer, service, and recreation is available at each of our churches. While most programming is held during the school year, some gatherings may be offered during the summer months. Retreats and overnight programs may be held in addition to the thirty-hour requirement.
For more information, please visit the Junior High Youth Ministry or Senior High Youth Ministry page.

Martha Ministry (Funeral Luncheons)

Members coordinate funeral luncheons for grieving families, including food donations, set up, and clean up. Rotating list of volunteers means time commitment can vary from one hour of food prep to three hours serving at a funeral luncheon approximately once a month.

Visit / take Communion to the homebound

Parishioners responding to this ministry are are compassionate visitors who bring Communion to our homebound parishioners. They provide a vital pastoral link between the Parish and the sick and the homebound.

Weekend Mass Collection Counters

Offertory Collection Counters are responsible for counting the money collected from all weekend masses.


Prepares the church for regular weekend liturgy (e.g., light candles; set out hosts and chalices; recruit Eucharistic Ministers as needed, cross bearers, families to bring up the gifts).


Proclaims God’s word through the first and second readings of the Mass


Helps seat parishioners, passes the collection baskets, assures that traffic flows smoothly during Communion time, records attendance, distributes bulletins


Welcomes parishioners as they the church prior to Mass

Altar Rosary Society

The goal of the Altar Rosary Society is to increase prayer and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Groups at our churches gather on a regular basis for praying the rosary, individual prayer intentions, socializing and limited fundraising.

Community free meal programs

Free and nutritious meals are provided for anyone in the community. In addition to providing a nutritious meal, a secondary goal is to reach out to seniors and other area residents who may be in need of companionship and who would enjoy friendship and fellowship around the dinner table.

Daily Prayer Group

This is an informal gathering at the church that offers parishioners an opportunity to come together on a daily basis for prayer and reflection on scripture and to socialize.