Contact Information:

Administrative Assistant

Bible Study

The purpose of Bible study is to collectively grasp an understanding of God through His Word.

For more information, check out Bible Study Groups

Finance Councils

These two Diocesan-mandated councils — one for each parish — are appointed by the pastor. They are composed of the Pastor, the Business Manager, and parishioners who have some expertise in accounting, business, administration, law or financial management. They are charged with long-range financial planning, budget preparation and oversight, and financial analysis.

The Knights of Columbus was established to provide a means by which Catholic men could support the Catholic Church, provide financial protection to protect their families, and engage in works of charity to benefit the less fortunate. The Knights has been at the service of their communities and around the world by donating financial support and volunteer time to charity and offering affordable life insurance to its members.

For further information contact Joseph D. Phillips at

Lead Ministry Coordinators

Representatives from each church who give organizational leadership and administrative direction to their local church Ministry Coordinators. Specifically, they:

  • assess the changing needs of the local church
  • help in developing appropriate ministries
  • increase the effectiveness of current parish ministries
  • increase the level of participation of parishioners in parish ministries

Liturgy Committee

Composed of representatives from each church, the primary function of this committee is to collaborate with the pastoral staff in the nourishment and direction of the liturgical life of the parishes. The committee reviews the needs for each season and provides resources for all liturgical ministries.

Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council is committed to building a community of faith, worship, service, and love. Their three main responsibilities are to:

  • Represent the pastoral needs of the parishioners.
  • Advise the pastor and provide recommendations for parish priorities, directions, and policies through pastoral planning.
  • Develop and lead the implementation of short- and long-term goals of the parishes.

To facilitate these responsibilities, the Pastoral Council:

  • Conducts needs assessments and collaborates with other parish organizations.
  • Facilitates communication and collaboration among the parish organizations, worship sites, the parish, the diocese, and the universal Church.
  • Establishes the processes and procedures to disseminate information and publicize activities to the worship sites.

The Pastoral Council is composed of sixteen members.  Twelve of these will be adult members and serve three-year terms.  There shall be at least two members from each church.  The Pastor will also appoint  four youth members (one from each church) with input from the Youth Ministers.  The Youth members shall serve a one-year renewable term.  The Parochial Vicar and the Pastoral Associates will be ex-officio members.

Prayer Blanket Ministry

Prayer blankets are a form of prayer and source of healing, given to anyone in need. Any parishioner wishing to make a prayer blanket may do so. The blankets are lap-sized, lightweight, and are prayed over as they are being made. At Mass, the celebrant will formally bless the blanket while it is being held by the individual who will present it.

Prayer Groups

There are a variety of prayer groups that pray for others in our community. One specific prayer group ministry is the telephone and email prayer chain, comprised of parishioners who respond immediately to requests for prayer support when difficult life situations arise.

Pre-cana Marriage Preparation

This is a parish-based program that covers Diocesan mandated topics on Catholic married life. Presenters include Pre-Cana-certified Catholic married couples. The engaged couples participate in group discussions, worksheets and social time.

For more information on marriage preparation, check out The Sacrament of Marriage – Pre-cana Marriage Preparation

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

See Becoming a Catholic — Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) adapted for children

See Becoming a Catholic — Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Social Justice Ministry

The spirit of the Lord challenges us to bring good news to the poor, liberate captives, instill the blind with new sight, and set the downtrodden free. (Isaiah 61:1). This committee addresses the social issues of injustice both locally and worldwide. Some major aspects of the committee’s task are to help educate people on the social issues of our times, to raise awareness of ways to work toward the elimination of the root causes of poverty, and to promote social justice with a preferential option for the poor. This committee also determines the tithing for the parishes. The committee tries to live out Jesus’ command to love our neighbor by activities such as collecting school supplies, supporting our school nurses, providing free meals in our communities, filling Christmas and Thanksgiving food baskets, holding Work of Human Hands sales and providing support for OXFAM and Birthright.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is grounded in Jesus’ command to love one another. Through one-to-one caring relationships, those who are hurting receive the love and care they need to support them.

  • Is life more than you can handle alone right now?
  • Are your health, your attitude, or your relationships suffering?
  • Are you adjusting to a new job, a change in marital status, a serious illness, the death of a loved one , or a recent move?
  • Would you like to have someone in your life who really cares?

Everyone goes through difficult times.  Having someone to care, to listen, to share God’s love with you can help you get through the confusion, stress, or loneliness you may be experiencing.

How does the referrals process work?

  1. A person- either you, a relative or a friend – is hurting and in need of Christian care.
  2. The Stephen Ministry Leaders learn about this need for care from the pastor, the person or a friend, always with the person’s permission.
  3. The leader meets with the person to talk about Stephen Ministry,
  4. With the person’s permission, a Stephen Minister is assigned to meet on a weekly basis with the person.
  5. The Stephen Minister continues to provide distinctively Christian care for the person in strict confidentiality.

Consider allowing a Stephen Minister to walk with you on your journey to wholeness.

Sunday Night Joy

Sunday Night Joy is a covered dish supper followed by uplifting faith programs for both adults and children Pre-K through Grade 6. All parishioners are invited to share in food, fellowship, and faith.

During the teaching session for adults and youth, children (grades Pre-K – grade 6) are invited to attend a fun and educational children’s program with the theme based on the topic the adults are learning that evening.  Activities in the children’s program will include both lessons and a craft. 

A dish to share is encouraged, but not required. See dish suggestions in the bulletin based on the initial of your last name.

Sunday Night Joy

Vacation Bible School

Yearly outreach event for children, offered during the summer. BBS provides a powerful and unique opportunity for sharing the Good News Jesus Christ though bible stories, activities and games.

For more information, check out Vacation Bible School

Website Committee

Comprised of both technical and non-technical people who develop, maintain and add new features to the parish website.