Jr. & Sr. High Youth Groups
We provide a comprehensive program that involves all components of youth ministry: catechesis, prayer, service and recreation. We follow the faith themes as provided by the Rochester Diocese as appropriate for the age group to foster the personal and spiritual growth of the youth. Our goal is to empower them to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in the world and to draw them to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the Catholic Faith community.
- Hands of Christ
- Senior Recognition
- March for Life
- Souper Bowl Collection for Food Pantries
- Food Fast
- Twelve Hour Eucharistic Adoration
- Living Stations of the Cross
- National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC)
- Birthright Baby Shower and Collections for Birthright/Life Choices
- CROP Walk
- Collections for Catholic Relief Services
Bernadette Kuratnick
Sr. High Youth Minister
Office: 607-687-1068
Email: bernadette.kuratnick@dor.org
Tammy Ovedovitz
Jr. and Sr. High Youth Minister
Office: 607-687-1068
Email: tamara.ovedovitz@dor.org